Basic numerical modeling for the implementation of measures to improve the environmental situation at facilities
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problems of the ecological situation in the Central Chernozem region at technosphere objects of strategic importance are consired. As a specific object, AO "Lebedinsky GOK" which is a favorite for the extraction of iron ore on Russian and world trading platforms. Effective industrial general technical preventive measures are recommended, focused on reducing the emission of dust particles during serial blasting of iron-containing rocks at a specific facility. The most effective preventive measures to minimize the concentration of dust and gases are considered. The application of the method of controlling the wetting and sticking of dust particles is shown. It is based on the use of solutions of surfactants (surfactants). An anionactive surfactant based on triethanolamine salts is recommended. The concentration of the surfactant is selected according to the value of the surface tension of the solution.

Sanitary protection zone, emissions, pollutants, dust suppression, surfactants, surface tension value

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