Tula, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the essence of consumer and credit cooperatives in the context of attracting citizens' funds, the transformation of their economic processes and functions in the genesis of microeconomic development. The research is based on the analysis of historical documents and Russian publications, as well as on statistical conclusions of economic data. The aim of the study was to study the evolution of consumer societies and credit cooperatives as instruments for attracting household finances on the example of Russian and foreign companies since the middle of the XIX century. Semantic definitions of the categories consumer society and consumer credit cooperative, tasks and historical stages of the development of the studied communication tools in the field of attracting the means of the population are determined. The author's experience of comparative characteristics of the analyzed economic entities is proposed, reflecting the risks, advantages and disadvantages of the studied communication objects. The functions of the Bank of Russia as the main regulator of consumer credit cooperatives are disclosed. The final results of the study substantiate the importance of financial literacy and present an algorithm that allows the population to distinguish the legal activities of consumer credit cooperatives from fraudsters.
consumer credit cooperative, consumer society, genesis, evolution, regulator, shareholders
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