The article continues research on the adaptation of well-developed methods of systems theory to economic systems. It is shown that economic objects, as a rule, are nonlinear. The issues of analysis and evaluation of the accuracy of nonlinear economic systems are considered. It is shown that the use for these purposes of statistical methods based on the statistical approximation of a nonlinear transformation causes difficulties associated with the requirement of a normal distribution law at the output of a nonlinear element, as well as with a limited ability to assess the magnitude and range of effects under which there is a loss of stability of the system. The article substantiates the possibility and expediency of using the methods of random Markov processes to determine the density of the error distribution of a nonlinear system. In this paper, the main tasks that should be solved in the study of nonlinear economic systems are highlighted. The direction of further research is presented.
nonlinear control system, control effect, transfer function, distribution density, economic system, transient process, transfer function, Markov processes
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