Bryansk, Russian Federation
The unstable conditions of the market economy force the leadership of economic entities to especially carefully monitor the provision of economic security. An important tool in the activities of the economic security services (ECS) of enterprises can be management analysis tools. The goal of the study is to identify the most effective elements of the management analysis method, through which economic security specialists can protect firms from internal threats as effectively as possible. In article the author systematized theoretical aspects of ensuring economic security of the enterprises, presented results of observation and the analysis of work of services of economic security in 40 firms of the real sector of economy of the Central Federal District (CFD) and also offered key indicators for assessment of the weakest points in activity of experts of ECS. The author recommended key indicators for evaluation: forecasting the activities of enterprises, their effectiveness in terms of alternative projects, investment security. The author believes that key indicators should be calculated and analyzed as part of the express monitoring of enterprises in order to identify potential economic threats as quickly as possible, but easily. In order to assess the forecasting of the financial and economic activities of enterprises and the effectiveness of their functioning in the context of alternative projects, specialists of economic security services should, first of all, subject the operating processes of the company to checks: supply, production, sales.
key evaluation indicators, operational business processes, economic security service (ECS), management analysis
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