Recently, in Russia the number of children with chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive system grows steadily. Chronic diseases of the digestive system in children often begin in pre-school and school age. This article discusses the objective criteria of the chronic diseases of the digestive system in children. This pathology is an important social and medical problem among children. Today, there are many children with digestive pathology. The leading is gastro-duodenal pathology. Analysis of the above data shows the high complexity of the diagnostic evaluation of different symptoms that can only be detected on palpation of the anterior abdominal wall in children with combined pathology of the organs of the gastro-duodenal zone. This is due to the co-morbidity of development of pathological process. On the other part, however, the authors observed a logical relation in the frequency of occurrence of these or other symptoms depending on the extent and nature of the lesion of the stomach, duodenum, biliary system, pancreas in children. This again underlines the importance of improving instrumental methods in children with disorders of the digestive system.
objective criteria, the digestive organs, chronic diseases.
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