Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
he paper introduces a new methodology for assessing the innovation activity of personnel for small and medium-sized businesses. It also contains a review of approaches to the concept of innovation activity, which includes generation of new ideas, self-development of professional competences, engagement in innovative activity, implementation of innovations via intrafirm communications, transfer of latent knowledge, etc. The hypothesis is that that a more effective management of innovation activity can elevate companies to a qualitatively new level. The new methodology allows organizations to identify problems in the spheres of innovations and personnel, as well as to eliminate various inconsistencies. The author gives some useful recommendations on how to turn personnel innovation activity into innovative products during the digital transformation of small and medium businesses. Eventually, a more effective management of innovation activity increases competitiveness and flexibility in the market.

digital transformation of business, digital technologies, innovation potential of employees, innovation activity of personnel, innovation management, small and medium businesses
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