student from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2021
LLC "ER-1" ( product manager)
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 65 Управление предприятиями. Организация производства, торговли и транспорта
GRNTI 82.05 Теория и методология управления
OKSO 27.04.05 Инноватика
BBK 65 Экономика. Экономические науки
TBK 7836 Управление проектами
BISAC BUS101000 Project Management
The activities of modern organizations can no longer do without introducing a project approach to some extent. A number of organizations use the classical, waterfall model in their project management approach. However, the trend towards so-called agile methodologies is also still gaining momentum. Initially agile methodologies were developed for information technology (IT) and revolutionized the approach to product development, improving speed of development and product quality required by customers. This paper attempts to systematize the use of agile management techniques in relation to IT companies and shows the analysis and effect of agile methodologies on a sample of specific companies that took part in the study. Based on the analysis and processing of the research, the conditions that are directly related to the benefits that IT companies gain from Agile and the limitations that hinder the effectiveness of the use of agile project management techniques are derived.
project management, agile methods, Agile, IT, methodology, Scrum, companies
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