The article based on the consideration of the Russian legal acts regulating the provision of discounts. In the article recommendations are made in respect of paid medical services and voluntary health insurance, with provision of the example of a short marketing plan required for formal reasons of discounts. Currently, the process of providing discounts and medical insurance companies are regulated, and most of the information should be public and posted on websites of medical institutions, insurance companies and their partners, which implement insurance or paid medical services. The increasing complexity of legislation on consumer protection, health and insurance law leads to the formation of new instruments for operations that previously did not require such a formalization. Of course, this leads to an increase in operating costs, not only the cost of creating, storing and placing this information. At the same time most organizations formalize many business processes, previously considered insignificant. Scope of medical care, like no other, attracted the attention of society composed of different groups and strata, some of whom are citizens who want to take advantage of a discount clinic or insurer.
health care, health insurance, discounts, regulation
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