Kolomna, Moscow, Russian Federation
Work objective is to develop an algorithm for automatic speed regulation and to ensure its integration into the system of adaptive combined control of the power equipment of the locomotive TEM7A. Research methods: methods of the theory of automatic control, modern programming methods, trial trips. Research results and novelty. For the first time, the problem of automatic maintenance of "creeping" train speeds with high accuracy has been solved in the practice of domestic locomotive construction. It is established that the developed algorithm for automatic control of the humping speed and splitting up of shunting locomotive TEM7A allows maintaining a given speed in the range of operating speeds up to 8 km / h. Conclusion. The developed algorithm is integrated into the microprocessor control system of the power equipment of TEM7A shunting locomotive and does not require additional costs when through the locomotive operation. Maintaining a uniform speed of movement can also be used in the mode of manual control of the locomotive by the driver, while the value of the stipulated rate is set by the driver using the display module of the control panel.
automatic speed regulation, shunting locomotive, system of control, trial trip
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