The article deals with various options for mobile homes: from motorhomes and caravans for cars to mobile home facilities. Mobile homes, buildings or temporary structures may be in the form of mobile or portable containers, prefabricated structures of modules or panels, as well as structural elements and flexible transformable structures. These mobile homes are used as a means of placing the sleeper on holiday, accommodation and living in nature, including at the camp. It was found that for seasonal and temporary sleeper accommodation the most rational choice is a home, having mobility. Mobile homes are distinguished by features such as destination, shipping method, or the autonomy of delivery, the method of assembly, materials, equipment, type of plan and others. The main advantage of mobile homes is the ability to inexpensively change the place of their dislocation. Mobile homes for temporary accommodation of sleepers are also preferred because they relate to non-capital building structures and do not require special permits for their construction. This makes the development of caravanning, event tourism and cultural events more effective and less costly. Transformable modular structures have the ability to obtain the necessary level of comfort in residence with minimal time spent and negative impact on the environment.
mobile home, camping, caravanning, temporary structure
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