Further improvement of the quality of life is closely connected with the development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation. To provide autotourists and road users with civilized conditions tourism and recreation and autoturist clusters are developing, as well as elements of their networks and diverse areas of road and roadside services. According to their functional purpose, the latter are divided into enterprises servicing car tourists and road users and those which function is the maintenance of rolling stock. Development of infrastructure for technical services for wheeled vehicles of autotourists and road users and providing them with a single high standard of quality of specialized and related services must meet certain requirements, including the scope and structure of the fleet of wheeled vehicles and their lineup; growth of domestic and inbound tourism flows; increase in the range and volume of services provided; geographical expansion, regions and types of autotravel; individualization of services; road safety and compliance with environmental safety. Until recently, the existing enterprises specializing in services for wheeled vehicles of autoturists and road users have had a low level of technical equipment and workload for productive employees. Formation of infrastructure maintenance and repair of rolling stock is advisable to be developed by types of services based on the block principle. A strategic step in improving the quality of services and efficiency of enterprises is the introduction of interactive elements of acceptance: focus primarily on the client, efficient organization of services, the use of modern information technology, competent staff, additional services and sales of related products and accessories.
autotourism, wheeled vehicles, maintenance and repair, interactive acceptance
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