Anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: activities, problems of legal regulation and ways of improvement (on the example of St. Petersburg)
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the author considers issues of legal regulation and activities of anti-terrorist commissions in the regions of the Russian Federation (hereinafter ATC). The article draws attention to the imperfection of the legislation that impedes normal functioning of the ATC in the regions, and proposes measures to improve the legislation and measures to optimize the mechanism for implementing goals and objectives of the ATC, including the field of interdepartmental interaction. In order to bring the norms governing the issues of antiterrorist security of objects to a single standard, the author proposes to systematize some acts of the executive authorities through consolidation. In order to improve the practice of bringing to administrative and disciplinary responsibility for failure to comply with decisions of the ATC of St. Petersburg and instructions of its staff, the author proposes a number of legal and organizational measures. As a result, the author concludes that improving the work of ATC in the regions should be carried out in three main directions: improving regulatory regulation, increasing the professional level of ATC employees, improving the results of administrative practice, including the exchange of experience between regional ATC.

anti-terrorist commission, coordination of activities, executive authorities, territorial bodies, countering terrorism, consolidation of legislation, law enforcement practice
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