Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
Globalization has turned Russian industrial cities into intercultural hubs that attract migrant workers. Organizations with multinational personnel need to provide their foreign employees with adaptation procedures and professional training. Multinational teams perform better when social distance is small and interaction is more vivid. The research objective was to substantiate the need for multinational organizations to use a system of adaptation and vocational training, as well as to describe the expected effect of such measures. The article introduces some practical recommendations for improving and forecasting the corporative performance based on the cultural profile of human resources. The forecasting method relies on the quantitative expression of qualitative indicators of personnel management in order to determine the regression dependency of the performance from the initial processes of personnel management. The paper also describes the adaptation and training features of foreign personnel, the current state of adaptation and personnel training in multiethnic organizations, and the optimal levels of management indicators that affect the intermediate performance of such organizations.
multiethnic personnel, social adaptation, intercultural communication, cross-cultural training, mentoring, efficiency
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