Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the stages in the formation of cross-border business partner networks in rural tourism with the business needs of its participants in the focus. The methodological basis of the research is the approach of A. Maslou, suggesting that human needs are organized in a hierarchical order. By analogy with the concept of Maslou, we assume that the motives of entrepreneurs which define their business activities are organized hierarchically as well. Upon reaching a certain level in the hierarchy of motivation entrepreneurs feel the need for co-operation within a network association. Progress in meeting the needs of increasingly high levels forms the motivation for qualitative development of the network association that determines the steps of forming business partner networks. This process is considered by the example of the cross-border business partner network between businesses of the Republic of Karelia and Finland in the field of rural tourism.

rural tourism, cross-border entrepreneurial network, hierarchy of needs, tourism economics

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