graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
VAC 05.07.02 Проектирование, конструкция и производство летательных аппаратов
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 73.37 Воздушный транспорт
The further development of urban mobility, taking into account the latest technical and technological achievements, is considered by many leading vehicle manufacturers in creating and introducing unmanned urban air mobile vehicles into the urban environment. Despite the fact that currently the development of these means of transportation of passengers and cargo is actually in the technical plane - the integral success of introducing this type of transport depends on multiple socio-technological aspects of this phenomenon, which will have various social consequences. The objective of this paper is to identify the socio-technological issues of the phenomenon of unmanned urban air mobility. The result of this paper is to make recommendations to developers of unmanned urban air mobile vehicles in order to minimize the damage from ignoring the negative socio-technological consequences of introducing this type of transport into the urban environment. The novelty of the paper lies in the fact that this type of transport was studied not from a technical and technological point of view, which is the leading one at this stage, but using a socio-technological approach. The paper clearly proves that unmanned urban air mobile vehicles are also multifaceted social objects.
air mobility, human-vehicle system, socio-technological analysis, trust, environment
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