Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Work objective is to solve the urgent problem of increasing the tightness and reliability of pressure couplings during their operation under dynamic loads. Theoretical and experimental studies assessing the impact on the tightness due to roughness nature of mating surfaces and three types of coatings: soft, double-layer and hard have been undertaken. The joints were tested under the influence of axial cyclic load and torque on a bench for accelerated testing. It is established that tightness of pressure couplings during operation under dynamic loads significantly depends on the parameters of microgeometry and physical and mechanical properties of the mating surface material that determine their actual contact area. Recommendations for preparing the surfaces of parts before pressure coupling assembling have been developed. It is proved that the use of regular microrelief and soft galvanic coatings of mating surfaces have a significant effect on the tightness of pressure couplings.

pressure coupling tightness, microgeometry, material and coating of mating surfaces

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