The Early Paleorpoterozic 2.46-2.36Ga Belomorian drusite coronite complex was addressed to for the first time in discussing the geology, petrology, and genetic conditions of dispersed intrusive mafite-ultramafite magmatism that developed in intercratonic mobile zones and granulite belts of Early Precambrian age. The complex comprises numerous small rootless synkinematic intrusions that are scattered throughout the Belomorian Mobile Belt BMB. The rocks of the complex are compositionally close to the rocks of large layered intrusions in the neighboring cratons and compose, together with them, the Baltic Large Igneous Province BLIP of the silicic high-Mg boninite-like series. It is demonstrated that the magma generation regions were similar beneath the cratons and BMB, but, in contrast to the situation at the cratons, melt portions ascending from below the BMB could be accommodated only in small chambers, whose position was controlled by local heterogeneities induced by the tectonic flowage of the host rocks. Moreover, these chambers continuously changed their position, thus precluding the origin of large bodies and eventually giving rise to dispersed magmatism. Upon their crystallization, the intrusions were affected by metamorphic reworking under amphibolite-facies conditions, so that weakly altered rocks are now preserved only in the cores of these bodies. The rocks are characterized by the development of drusite coronite textures along the grain boundaries of primary magmatic minerals.
drusite coronite complex, Baltic Shield, intrusive magmatism, Paleoproterozoic mobile zones.
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