Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There is a distinct correlation between the concentration of sugar in the blood level of C level occurrence of diabetic foot syndrome. Treatment with drugs that eliminate insulinrezistentnost in Russia currently applies only in a small number of patients, in most cases, surgical treatment of diabetic foot. The search for new and effective methods of sustained therapeutic effect, more cost-effective and devoid of side effects, effects on the body remains relevant. One of these methods may be intravenous laser irradiation of blood with frequency λ=532 nm, this study confirms the effectiveness of its application. As shown by the experimental data, to the use of intravenous laser blood irradiation intravenous laser ir-radiation of blood indicators of glucose in the study and control groups was higher than normal. After the intra-venous laser irradiation of blood these figures were significantly reduced in the intervention group and the con-trol group showed a tendency to preserve the performance on the data at the beginning of the study. The study suggests that the inclusion of therapy intravenous laser irradiation of blood "blue" laser with a wavelength of 532 nm in patients with diabetic foot has a positive impact on the index of blood glucose. The foregoing gives rise to the following conclusions: in patients with diabetic foot syndrome was a significant in-crease in blood glucose therapy in the form of intravenous laser irradiation of blood "blue" laser with a wave-length of 532 nm significantly reduces the level of glucose

diabetes, diabetic foot, a blue laser.

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