In the article the diagnostics results on indicators of life quality among persons of older age groups according to SF-36 questionnaire (the Russian-language version) are presented. The assessment of population life quality was carried out on the basis of the comparative analysis of life quality data in control group (people of 40-59 years; N=32 persons) and in the main group (60-89 years, N=106 people), then in the main group between elderly people (60-74 years, N=64 persons) and between people of senile age (75-89 years, 42 persons). During the inspection the reliable decrease on all indicators in physical health from control group to the main was revealed. On psychological health the reliable decrease from control group to the main doesn´t registered, but only on indicators of social and emotional-role functioning. It is established that social functioning decreases only from group of the interrogated 40-59 years to group of 60-74 years, and further, in group of the interrogated 75-89 years it remains at the same level. On the obtained data basis the recommendations about improvement of senior age groups population life quality through the increase of environmental readiness for elderly people social inclusion, about their adaptation to the age pensioner status, correction of their social and role functioning are offered.
social health, social sanogenesis, quality of life, elderly people, SF-36.
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