Cardiorespiratory system is the most important part of the body, which provides high life expectancy. Special parameters of heart rate dynamics require the development of new approaches for analysis and prediction. The paper presents a comparison of the effective traditional statistical methods, the conventional (in physics) thermodynamic methods, with methods of chaos theory and self-organization to estimate the parameters of heart rate three age groups of Khanty-women in the aspect of identification of their age characteristics. It is proved that there are few statistical differences between the groups (one-type uncertainty), entropic parameters are also less informative. On the contrary, the quasi-attractor’s parameters in three age groups of women are purposefully changed (decrease) and can be described by the Verhulst-Pearl model, with the calculation of the rate of changes over time. A new method for estimating the age-related changes of cardiac parameters based in the calculation of rate of change of the quasi-attractor’s volume is proposed.
сardiorespiratory system, khanty-women, quasi-attractor, cardiointerval
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