, Russian Federation
The coronavirus pandemic, in which the entire world economy operates, has had a serious impact on all spheres of activity and in the national economy: production, distribution, exchange and consumption. Significant changes in the new conditions are observed in the regional labor markets. The decline in the turnover of enterprises in various sectors of the economy, the bankruptcy of the small business sector led to an increase in unemployment in the Tyumen region. At the same time, the active introduction of new technologies into business processes that provide a remote format of work has contributed to an increase in demand for specialists who support and service their use. In the labor market, the demand from enterprises for employees processing online orders, online purchases, delivering goods, etc. was steadily formed. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of statistical indicators, their generalization and systematization, the article provides an overview of current trends in the labor market of the region.
unemployment, employment, pandemic, labor market, Tyumen region, standard of living, remote mode, digitalization
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