A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of new bioinformatics methods is shown that in contrast to traditional methods of statistical analysis on the basis of the deterministic-stochastic approach using bioinformatics methods gives higher sensitivity in identifying order parameters (the main diagnostic features) studied the functional systems of the body. The parameters of the cardio-vascular system in untrained and trained subjects from the perspective of chaos theory and self-organization were studied. There is the essential difference between the two groups (trained and untrained students). Dosed physical activity revealed a tendency to increase the area and volume of quasi-attractors state vector of the organism in untrained subjects in 1.5 times and also at 6% in trained subjects. Exercise stabilizes the parameters of the cardio-vascular system trained students and it is the first marker of the degree of detenidamente in young population in the region. Statistical methods are difficult to establish the existence of significant differences in the parameters of the functional systems of the body between the groups of trained and untrained students. The differences are often not statistically significant.
quasi-attractor, cardio-vascular system, multidimensional phase spaces, dosed physical activity
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