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Abstract (English):
We have examined variations in electron density Ne at ionospheric F1-layer heights during geomagnetic storms at the Irkutsk ionospheric station (52° N, 104° E). We have selected geomagnetic storms of varying intensity as well as quiet days for each event for the winter and summer seasons of 2003. We have analyzed the electron density in the daytime during geomagnetic storms at 150–190 km heights. Different effects of geomagnetic storms on Ne in different seasons at these heights were found. There is a slight change in the electron density during summer geomagnetic storms. On the other hand, there is an interesting effect in winter indicating the summer-winter asymmetry of the Ne response to the geomagnetic storms at these heights in 2003: in winter there is a significant influence of disturbances on Ne at a height of 190 km and a smaller effect at lower heights.

electron density, winter-summer asymmetry of the electron density Ne response to geomagnetic storms
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8. URL: (accessed October 2, 2022).

9. URL: (accessed October 2, 2022).

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