Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Studies of the energy distribution of neutron radiation at the workplaces of the Beloyarsk NPP were carried out. At 1 and 2 power units, occupational exposure of neutron irradiation occurs during operations for loading spent nuclear fuel into special railway carriage. At power units 3 and 4, operations accompanied by neutron irradiation can be divided into 3 groups: (1) work in rooms adjacent to the reactor core; (2) manipulation of radioisotope neutron sources; (3) work with fresh and spent nuclear fuel. Based on the data obtained on the energy distribution of the neutron radiation flux density, the ‘true’ values of the ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10), the individual dose equivalent rate Hp(10) and the integral neutron radiation flux density at individual workplaces were determined. For each group of workplaces, Fluence-toambient dose equivalent conversion coefficients are determined, which lie in the range from 12 to 295 pSv⋅cm2. Correction factors for individual thermoluminescent dosimeters, taking into.

neutron radiation, occupational exposure, spectra

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