Perinatal infectious-inflammatory pathology is a fairly common cause of diseases of the fetus and newborn, due to weak protection mechanisms at the present stage of development of the child. In recent years, the problem of infection pathology in newborns have acquired particular relevance due to change of features of both macroeconomic and microorganisms. Based on a survey of 103 infants with various forms of perinatal pathology (pneumonia, conjunctivitis, piodermia, or a combination thereof) the authors identified the factors contributing to the realization of the intrauterine infection clinically expressed infection process and the resulting disruption of cellular and tissue metabolism. The etiology of these diseases is dominated by 74.4% of microor-ganisms, among which there are S.saprophyticus - in 44,1%, S.epidermidis - in 38,7%, S.aureus – in 15,1%. There are gram-negative pathogens as Klebsiellaspp (in 61,1%); E.сoli (in 17,1%). Type Candida was revealed in 38%. Agents of perinatal infectious-inflammatory pathology have a high resistance to antibiotics. The ob-tained data allow to defining regional distribution features, etiologic structure and nosological forms of perinatal infectious-inflammatory pathology.
newborns, intrauterine infections, infectious-inflammatory complications, antibiotics resistance.
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