Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issue of natural science literacy formation in teaching mathematics in middle school with the use of intersubject connections. Research methodology and techniques. The research is based on systemic-structural and activity approaches. Results. First of all, attention is paid to the consideration of the very concept of natural science literacy; the issue of assessing the level of development of students’ natural science literacy and means of its diagnostics in process of teaching mathematics, for example, at algebra lessons, is considered. Examples of specific tasks of interdisciplinary nature are given, which are used to determine the level of results achievement as a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. Conditions for conducting integrated classes and their application as a means of developing natural science literacy of high school students at algebra lessons are considered. Issues of educational material synchronization of subject areas are considered as a key condition for implementation of intersubject connections between mathematics and physics. Practical significance of the work. The directions of changes in approaches to the implementation of intersubject connections of mathematics with other areas of knowledge as a basis for achieving metasubject educational results as a requirement of the Federal State Standard of Basic General Education are identified. Metasubject assignments that contribute to the achievement of metasubject and subject educational results at algebra and physics lessons have been identified. Particular attention is paid to giving integrated classes as a condition for development of natural science literacy of students, as well as a means of assessing the level of natural science literacy formation. In this regard, examples of tasks in physics are considered that require the use of mathematical literacy, which directly affects the ability to analyze the situation and draw conclusions within the framework of the natural-scientific picture of the world. The main recommendations for the implementation of interdisciplinary relationships to achieve metasubject educational results are formulated.

interdisciplinary communication, natural science literacy, mathematics, physics, high school

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