Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Competitive advantages predetermine the success of the implementation of the tasks assigned to higher educational institutions that have developed under the influence of the globalization of the world economic space. Using the experience of corporate universities in the work of state and non-state educational institutions of higher education will improve the quality of educational processes, as well as the integration of theory into the practice of producing socio-economic systems. This process will increase the economic security of the sovereign territory, as well as the success of higher education adaptation to new challenges that have arisen as a result of the socio-economic crisis that arose as a consequence of the pandemic. The introduction of new educational standards in the field of higher education creates new tasks for the entire system of higher education in Russia. The experience of corporate education in foreign countries is invaluable in planning an effective strategy for the development of educational processes in our territory.

standards, curricula, corporate universities, higher education, organizational structure, competitiveness, professional qualifications, competencies, business processes, specialists

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