The reference gives a characteristic to the new monography titled “The professional competences of a specialist in communications of the XXI century”, which is the result of a long-term group study of the Communication Technologies and PR Department of St. Petersburgh State Economic University. The monography has been edited by the Head of the Department, professor A. D. Krivonosov. The analysis of the research strategy put into the basis of the monography is provided: from the study of specific features of a contemporary public environment to the determination of professional competences of specialists in communication sphere demanded in the society and further to the development of the model of a foresight approach to forming communicative competences and skills. The obvious advantage of the monography is a close connection between the theoretical foundations and the actual reality of the development of Russian education in communication sphere. The study topicality, sequence in the solution of the set tasks, presentation clarity, scientific value as well as theoretical significance of the monography, the validity of the conclusions have been analyzed. The recommendations for the practical use of the work are given.
communication, communication technologies, communication product, specialist in communications, educational model, professional competences
1. Kommunikatsionnye tekhnologii XXI veka. K desyatiletiyu kafedry kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy i svyazey s obshchestvennost'yu SPbGEU [Communication technologies of the XXI century. To the tenth anniversary of the Department of Communication Technologies and Public Relations of St. Petersburg State University of Economics]. St. Petersburg: SPbGEU Publ., 2019. 147 p.
2. Professional'nye kompetentsii spetsialista po kommunikatsiyam XXI veka [Professional competence of a communications specialist of the XXI century]. St. Petersburg: SPbGEU Publ., 2021. 211 p.
3. Rats M. V., Rozina I. N. Kommunikativistika: problemy i puti razvitiya [Communicative studies: problems and ways of development]. Media. Informatsiya. Kommunikatsiya [Media. Information. Communication]. 2012, I. 3, pp. 20–22. Available at: (accessed 17 April 2021).