Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There is no doubt in possibility to apply digital workflow at different steps of diagnostic and treatment procedures in management of dental patients. Digital technology complemented by augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence and fast prototyping is dynamically evolving in Dentistry. These technologies have positive influence on achievement of the clinical success. Nevertheless the implementation of these technologies is often happening in random and segmented mode. Based on that we have set the goal to progressively and comprehensively perform digital transformation of the implant supported prosthetic workflow. We have finished prosthodontic treatment of 226 patients (79 males, 147 females) in an age range from from 54 to 83 years (mean age 72.4+\-6.3 years) with fully edentulous jaws. Digital workflow was performed by utilising intraoral and desktop scanners. We used Exocad, 3Shape Dental System and Zirkohnzahn CAD software, as well as CAD and Analysis softwares: Geometric Control X, Nobel Procera Software v.3.1, Mimics Medical 21 Materialise. We maximised the application of modern computerised methods and technology during performing all the steps of treatment. Implant survival rate is equal to 99.52%. Bone level atrophy comprised 1.2+\-0.21 mm. Highly rated chewing efficiency, phonetics and gustation was noted. Therefore gradual and comprehensive digital transformation of the implant supported prosthetic protocols, which included proprietary solutions, devices and appliances, contributed in achieving favourable, long term stable results of rehabilitation of the elderly edentulous patients.

digital transformation, patient-centered outcomes, personalized dental medicine, dental implants, digital dentistry

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