Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
graduate student
Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
Industrial enterprises connected to the power grids of electricity producers spend a lot of money on the transport of purchased electrical energy. The present article introduces some opportunities to minimize the costs. The author studied the principles of pricing of the transport of electrical energy purchased by industrial enterprises connected to power grids of electricity producers and described the advantages and disadvantages of the existing pricing options. The new indicator generator of voltage tariff coefficient made it possible to analyze the effectiveness of the transport tariffs for electrical energy at various types of industrial enterprises in relation to the tariff field of several regions of Russia. The study revealed ineffectiveness of the current tariffs on the transport of purchased electrical energy applied by such industrial enterprises. The author developed recommendations to reduce the cost of electricity. The main priority option was the application of demand management for electricity consumption by regulating the schedules of energy-intensive technological processes. This measure takes into account the criteria of economic efficiency, system reliability, and sustainability. It will enable industrial enterprises to manage their own schedule of electricity consumption without having to change the planned production volumes, thus reducing all cost components.
transportation of electricity, generator voltage, pricing, electricity market, energy efficiency, transportation of purchased electrical energy, energy tariffs
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