Theoretical and applied research of the white-collar crimes in the sphere of implementation of the national healthcare project: its nature and scope
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Abstract (English):
Relevance. In the context of the modern society development, issues related to the implementation of priority national projects from the moment a decision on the expediency of their normative legal regulation is made are most relevant, since they interest not only the scientists and practitioners, but the society as a whole. According to the provisions of Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the policy of the welfare state is aimed at creating conditions ensuring a dignified life and free development of a person, and acts as the main vector of development of modern Russia. From the point of view of criminal-legal assessment, the national project «Healthcare» deserves our deliberate attention. It consists of eight separate federal projects. From 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2024 federal budget allocates 1366.7 billion rubles to their implementation. Constituent entities of the Russian Federation add 265 billion rubles, state extra-budgetary funds add 94 billion rubles, and extra-budgetary sources add another 0.1 billion rubles. Considering this national significance and financial endowment, the need to develop legal and technical tools for the protection of the researched phenomenon is justified. Purpose: Scientific works devoted to the analysis of the white-collar crime phenomenon are presented in the domestic doctrine of criminal law. At the same time, research in the field of counteraction to the crimes in the sphere of national healthcare project implementation has not previously been conducted. In this regard, the goal is to develop proposals for improving lawmaking, legal interpretation, law enforcement and preventive activities in the discussed field. Methods: axiomatic, analysis, generalization, comparative legal. Conclusions: 1. The author formulates the signs of white-collar crimes in the field of implementation of the national healthcare project. 2. The author proposes a criminal-legal characteristic of the target of a socially dangerous act in the studied area. The author concludes that white-collar crimes in the sphere of the implementation of the national healthcare project act as a threat to national security, intensified by the presence of global socio-economic challenges and the lack of the necessary criminal law protection tools.

national project, target of crime, criminal-legal assessment, threat to national security, white-collar crime
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