Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author shows the relevance of training computer sports specialists, which is due to the shortage of such professionals with specialized education in the labor market. The article reveals the specifics of eSports, presents the existing experience in training such specialists. The review of the regulatory and legal sphere of this kind of sport is carried out. The theoretical aspects of the formation of the competence of a computer sports specialist are considered, approaches to the definition of the content and technologies of the process of training these specialists are substantiated. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author has developed the structure and content of the competencies of computer sports athletes in the following areas: “Sports discipline of computer sports”, “Preserving the physical and psychological health of an athlete”, “Maintaining the image of computer sports”. The main professional functions that future specialists in computer sports should master, the training of which is carried out in universities within the framework of bachelor's programs in the direction of training 49.03.04 Sports, have been substantiated.

specialist in the field of computer sports, legal standards, professional competence, competencies, level training model

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