Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
According to Rostekhnadzor, an increased level of accidents is observed at the facilities of the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation in 2021, in relation to the previous year. This is due to the insufficiently effective work of the production control services, the lack of a detailed analysis of each accident and accident, the prevention of the study of the causes. Every year, the economic damage caused by accidents, industrial injuries, and occupational diseases increases both in the main and auxiliary activities of companies in the Russian oil and gas complex. Recently, companies in various sectors of the economy have been paying great attention to the introduction of innovative technologies (IT) to ensure industrial safety (IS), including labor protection, fire safety and road safety. It is relevant to study trends in the implementation of IT in the areas of safety assurance used by domestic oil and gas companies to reduce the number of accidents, eliminate occupational injuries and occupational diseases. It should also be emphasized that the literature does not pay enough attention to comprehensive research reviews of projects for the implementation and practical application of IT in the field of IS, and, first of all, in oil and gas companies. These reviews are especially valuable for managers and specialists in the field of IS to make strategic and tactical timely management decisions for the implementation of IT. Research of projects on the introduction of innovative technologies for ensuring industrial safety in Russian oil and gas companies will allow you to build the entire decision-making chain: from goal setting to practical implementation.

oil and gas companies, project management, industrial safety and labor protection, innovative technologies

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