Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article offers the method for assessing the complexity of mathematical reasoning in various educational texts. It provides for counting the number of mathematical statements (or other elementary judgments) in the conclusions being drawn and taking into account the semantic complexity of the terms denoting the quantities included in the formulas. This allows to calculate the heuristic complexity of the text, depending on the number and complexity of mathematical conclusions, and find the heuristic indicator. To determine the semantic complexity of the entire text and the mathematical reasoning presented in it, a computer is used, which refers to a dictionary-thesaurus – a special file containing terms with an indication of their complexity. This takes into account the volumetric complexity of the formulas, the number of elementary sentences (equations) in mathematical reasoning, as well as the fact that some premises (formulas) are absent, and the pupil must guess before them on his own. Several examples of using the proposed method for analyzing text fragments in physics are considered.

didactics, semantic information, complexity, text, textbook, formula, heuristics

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