Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Presently, mastitis is being addressed by biologically active agents of plant origin having a bactericidal, viricidal and immune-modulating effect. In this regard, the study of the Raido drug to treat different types of mastitis in lactating cows is of a certain scientific and practical importance. The aim of the study was to determine the efficacy of the Raido herbal drug against serous and catarrhal mastitis in cows during the lactation period. Research methods. Mastitis was detected according to clinical observations, with the results being confirmed by the express diagnosticum Mastidinum or a quick mastitis test. The blood morphological composition in terms of erythrocyte, leucocyte and haemoglobin content was analyzed on a haematological analyzer. Milk samples were examined bacteriologically for the pathogenic microflora. Results. Treating serous and catarrhal mastitis with the Raido herbal drug increased the level of erythrocytes and haemoglobin in recovering cows, reduced their leucocyte content in the peripheral blood, and somatic cells in milk more than doubled. There were no clinical signs of the disease on the fifth day when serving serous mastitis with 5 or 7 ml of the herbal drug intercisternally. Treating catarrhal mastitis with 10 and 12 ml of the drug using the same administration method produced a similar effect on the sixth day. Thus, the optimal dose for daily interstitial administration of serous mastitis was 5 ml and 10 ml for catarrhal mastitis. A comparison of the therapeutic effects of the phytomedicines Raido and Riposol revealed higher efficacy of the daily Raido use in these dosages. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the optimal dosage of the Raido herbal drug for intercisternal administration to cows with serous and catarrhal mastitis was determined; the therapeutic effect of the Raido herbal remedy was detected; a comparative assessment of the Raido and Riposol herbal remedies' effect in the treatment of serous and catarrhal mastitis was made.

Raido, herbal medicine, larch, mastitis, lactating cows, treatment, milk
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