Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article, based on the results of the personal practical experience of the author working with seriously ill children who are in hospitals and deprived of the opportunity to study in ordinary schools, reveals the effectiveness of using such a means of art pedagogy as origami. Classes on the design of various paper figures have a positive effect on child patients: they reduce the state of fear and anxiety, distract from pain, increase self-confidence, and contribute to the establishment of friendships. In the process of folding origami, in addition to the pleasure of getting a new model, children improve their knowledge in the field of geometry, develop spatial abilities, learn new concepts and properties.
children - patients of medical hospitals; isolation from classes in a regular school; creation of a full-fledged educational environment; tutor support; School of the “UchimZnaem” project; origami as one of the directions of art pedagogy; development of geometric representations; improvement of the psycho-emotional state of a seriously ill child
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