graduate student
Abstract. For breeding work in order to increase productivity indicators in sheep, it is necessary to use the most informative exterior parameters. This dictates the need to develop new approaches to assessing phenotypic parameters. Purpose. Development of new parameters for live assessment of meat productivity of sheep of the Dzhalginskiy merino breed and study of their significance using the method of principal components. Scientific novelty. We have proposed several new parameters for the lifetime assessment of the parameters of meat productivity and studied the possibility of their use in sheep of the Dzhalginskiy merino breed. Methods. The possibility was studied for life determination of the size of individual muscle groups using such parameters as the girth of the shoulder, forearm and thigh by instrumental methods, as well as measuring the parameters of the muscle eye, the thickness of the femoral muscle and fat using ultrasound. To assess the significance of the proposed parameters, in comparison with those used in existing practice, we applied the principal component method and correlation analysis. Results. Five main components have been established, which determine 70, 3% of the total phenotypic variability in sheep of the Dzhalginskiy merino breed. They characterize the size of the forelimbs, the size of the chest, the parameters of the muscular eye, the size of the hind limbs and the thickness of fat in the lumbar region. The parameters of the shoulder, forearm and hip girth we proposed showed high significance in the calculation of the components. The thickness of the femoral muscle was found to be of little significance. It was also found that most of the measurements used do not reliably correlate with each other. High positive significant correlations were found only between body weight and average daily weight gain, thickness and width of the muscle eye, shoulder girth and height at the sacrum. Thus, we have found that for the phenotypic assessment of the Dzhalginskiy merino sheep, it is advisable to use the girth of the shoulder, forearm and thigh as additional parameters.
phenotypic variation, factor analysis, sheep, meat performance, animal breeding, body measurements, evaluation, ultrasonography
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