graduate student
The article presents the results of a study of the activities of the International Airport "Simferopol". After the Republic of Crimea became a part of the Russian Federation, one of the priorities of the state's domestic policy was the development of the regional infrastructure of the Crimean Peninsula. Simferopol International Airport occupies a special position in the structure of regional airports of the Southern Federal District. Regional airports of the Southern Federal District serve a significant part of the seasonal tourist flow of citizens coming from the regions of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of the tourist flow of the Republic of Crimea in the period from 2014 to 2020, as well as on the basis of a comparative analysis of Simferopol International Airport with other regional airports in the Southern Federal District and the analysis of the experience of European airlines in developing the route network on the basis of regional airports, a model of the prospective development of Simferopol International Airport in the period 2021-2025 was developed. It is important to note that the positive economic effect of the airport development will be achieved both at the regional and national level.
regional air transportation, regional airports, air transportation market, low-cost air transportation, subsidized air transportation, regional economy, regional logistics
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