Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main thermal processes occurring during the operation of a gas burner device for household use are considered. One of the important functions performed by the gas burner device is the preparation of fuel for subsequent combustion. The efficiency and quality of the combustion process directly depends on the temperature of the gas-air mixture. Since an increase in the temperature of the mixture contributes to the intensification of the combustion process, when designing gas burner devices, it is useful to determine the temperature of the gas-air mixture inside the burner body. We have proposed a solution that makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the gas burner device by intensifying the preheating from the thermal divider to the gas-air mixture inside the body of the gas burner. It has been established that the placement of the thermal divider in the central part on the inner side of the cover allows one to reduce the stagnant zone area when the flow of the gas-air mixture moves, and the conical shape of the thermal divider provides minimal resistance to the movement of the gas-air mixture flow inside the gas burner, in addition, the side surface of the thermal divider additionally increases the area heat transfer. An expression is obtained for calculating the average temperature of the gas-air mixture at the outlet from the firing holes of the gas burner.

preheating, gas-air mixture, thermal divider, heat exchange, combustion, gas burner

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