Nizhny Novgorod Research and Applied Center “Legal Technologies”
Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The focus of the innovative work of N. M. Korshunov is such that the problem of technical and legal support for the convergence of private and public law was not given special attention not only in Russian, but also in foreign legal science. Although, of course, considering the substantive processes of legal convergence, he was "forced" to touch on the technique of their design.In the theory of law in general, and in the theory of civil law in particular, there are few problems that are comparable in complexity, scale, severity and age to the one that served as the reason and source material for the reviewed book. Two principles – the private and the public –form two poles, the interaction of which determines the forms of organization of public relations within the boundaries of legal reality, and recently especially actively – in the field of civil turnover. The list of publications that are only directly devoted to this subject is vast, and it is not easy to point to at least one legal work of any theoretical significance, where it is not touched upon in one way or another. In the history of legal science, including in the history of civil law, there was no example of any satisfactory solution to this problem. In this context, the monograph of N. M. Korshunova, seemingly initially doomed by fate to the role of another hopeless attempt to take a height that exceeds human strength, and at best-a new set of deep and original judgments, but not forming together a coherent theory of the phenomenon, nevertheless deserves to be noted as an example of a completely new development of the old topic.
convergence in law, technical and legal support, private and public law
1. Legal technique, 2021, no. 15: Legal innovations (doctrine, practice, technique). Nizny Novgorod, 766 p. (In Russ.)
2. Civil law. Actual problems of theory and practice / under the general editorship of V. A. Belov. Moscow: "Yurayt" Publ., 2008. (In Russ.)
3. Holliger J. Das Kriterium des Gegensatzes zwischen dem öffentlichen Recht und dem Privatrecht dargestellt im Prinzipe und in einigen Anwendungen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des schweizerischen Rechtes. Affoltern a. A., 1904.
4. Radbruch G. Philosophy of Law. Moscow: "International relations" Publ., 2004. (In Russ.)
5. Stepanov D.I. Services as an object of civil rights. Moscow: "Statute" Publ., 2005. (In Russ.)
6. Kaufmann A. Über die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Rechtswissenschaft: Ansätze zu einer Konvergenztheorie der Wahrheit. ARSP: Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 1986, vol. 72, no. 4 (1986), pp. 425-442.
7. Stephanitz D. Exakte Wissenschaft und Recht. der Einfluss v. Naturwiss. u. Mathematik auf Rechtsdenken u. Rechtswiss. in Zweieinhalb Jahrtausenden. ein Hist. Grundriss (Münsterische Beiträge Zur Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft Ser. v. 15). Berlin/Boston, 2016.
8. Kornev V.N. Law as a linguistic phenomenon. Law as a language phenomenon, 2018, no. 6, pp. 5-12. (In Russ.)
9. Lomakin D.V. Corporate relations: theory and practice of its application in business entities. Moscow: "Statute" Publ., 2008. (In Russ.)
10. Pokrovsky I.A. Main problems of civil law (publishing 1917). Classics of Russian civil law. Moscow: "Statute" Publ., 1998. (In Russ.)