Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the analysis of passenger traffic at the airports of the Moscow Aviation Hub and regional airports of the Central Federal District, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dynamics of passenger traffic was assessed. As a result of the system analysis, it was concluded that the growth of passenger traffic at the airports of Yaroslavl and Kursk is due to the expansion of the internal route network. As a result of the introduction of temporary prohibitive and restrictive measures for international air transportation, there was an increase in demand for domestic destinations. The airports of Yaroslavl and Kursk, in the summer of 2020, opened regular flights to the resort cities of the Southern Federal District. Based on the analysis of passenger traffic dynamics, it is concluded that an important factor in the development of regional airports in the Central Federal District is their structural modernization. The current passenger traffic index of regional airports can be significantly increased if the runways and terminal complex are expanded. The results of the study can be applied in the development of a strategy for the development of regional airports, of which there are more than 200 as of 2021 on the territory of the Russian Federation and many of which need structural modernization. In the context of the development of the airport complex in the Russian market of passenger air transportation, there will be a dynamic increase in passenger traffic.

regional airports, air transportation market, regional air transportation, low-cost air transportation, crisis management

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