Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The ball mill has an energy efficiency of no more than 3.5 % (taking into account the measures taken to intensify the process of grinding the material). This is due to the imperfection of the design of the grinding unit, which consists in the fact that it is impossible to completely convert the mechanical energy accumulated by the grinding load into grinding energy (i.e., energy directly spent on the destruction of material particles). Most of the stored energy is converted into heat, noise, and vibration. The existing directions of intensification of the grinding process are as follows: improvement of the design, internal equipment of the cement mill; changes in the physical and chemical properties of the grinding medium; improvement of the grinding scheme. The authors of this article work in the direction of improving the internal equipment, which is reflected in the scientifically based selection of the range of grinding media for the fine grinding chamber, since the rational composition of the grinding load can significantly reduce the energy consumption of the grinding process. The authors continue to study the possibility of using a two-ball loading in a fine grinding chamber. This article provides a brief overview of the different ranges of two-ball grinding loadings, which differ from each other only in the range of grinding media. The possibility of a significant increase in the productivity of the mill when replacing the traditional grinding load with a rational two-ball is shown

clinker, productivity, grinding index, two-ball grinding loading, ball mill, clinker dispersion characteristics

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