Determination of the drag coefficient of trawls by the hydraulic-mathematical method
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the features of determining the determination of the force and coefficient of water resistance to the movement of trawls and other floating bodies by the hydraulic-mathematical method by inverting the body contour based on the law of conservation of energy in the form of a solution in the special case of the Dido problem and the multi-criteria problem of the cal-culus of variations or optimal control in the general case. The proposed algo-rithm makes it possible to clearly take into account a wide range of hydro-mechanical phenomena that determine this important indicator, which is neces-sary for the development of an optimal trawling strategy.

trawl, water resistance force, friction resistance, pressure resistance, resistance coefficient, Bernulli equation, body contour inversion, local resistances, pres-sure drop, dynamic pressure, boundary layer, calculus of variations, optimal control, Dido problem, Bolts’s Task, multi-criteria problem, Galerkin method

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