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Among specialists prevails the primitive view, according to Prof. G.S. Ivanov, on descriptive geometry only as on a "grammar of a technical language", as it characterized V.I. Kurdyumov in the XIX Century. If in the century before last his definition was actual, although many contemporaries had a different opinion, then a century and a half later this definition became outdated, especially since have been revealed the close relationships of descriptive geometry with related sections: analytical, parametric, differential geometry, etc., and descriptive geometry became an applied mathematical science. In this paper it has been shown that an image is obtained as a result of display (projection). In this connection, according to prof. N.A. Sobolev, "All visual images – documentary, geometrographic, and creative ones – are formed on the projection principle". In other words, they belong, in essence, to descriptive geometry. Thus, all made by hand creative images – drawings, paintings, sculptures – can be attributed with great confidence to descriptive geometry as a theory of images. These creative images, of course, have a non-obvious projection origin, nevertheless, according to Prof. N.A. Sobolev, "They, including the most abstract fantasies, are essentially the projection ones". Further in the paper it has been shown which disciplines apply some or other of graphic models, and has been considered a number of drawings belonging to different textbooks, in which graphic models are present. Thus, clearly, and also referring to the authorities in the area of images and descriptive geometry, it has been proved that each of the mentioned textbooks has a direct or indirect connection with descriptive geometry, and descriptive geometry itself is present in all textbooks, at least, in the technical and medical ones.
geometry, pedagogy, higher education, descriptive geometry
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