, Russian Federation
UDK 63 Сельское хозяйство. Лесное хозяйство. Охота. Рыбное хозяйство
GRNTI 55.45 Судостроение
BBK 347 Технология производства оборудования отраслевого назначения
Based on the study of work experience in the areas of p.o. Kamchatka in the work proposed alternative fishing tools for salmon fishing. Under the alternative in the work are called fishing tools that are not widely used or are new developments. The use of such fishing gear will make it possible to catch elk in areas where traditional fishing is not currently conducted. However, this is important due to the approach of salmonids, in 2020, to traditional fishing areas.
salmon, fishing tools, new technologies
1. Andreev N. N. Handbook of fishing tools, setesnast materials and fishing equipment. – M.: Pishchepromizdat, 1962. – 504 p.
2. Bulletin of the implementation of the "Concept of the Far Eastern basin program for the study of Pacific salmon". – Vladivostok: TINRO-Tsentr, 2010. – No. 5-14 – 2019.
3. Salmon bottom-set nets // EI of CNIITMASH. Prom. fishing. – 1979. – Issue 8. – p. 16-21.
4. Melnikov V.N. Biotechnical justification of indicators of tools and methods of industrial fishing. – M.: Food industry, 1979. – 376 p.
5. Pat. No. 47622. Floating cage / O.V. Telyatnik (RF). – Declared on 13.04.2005; Publ. 10.09.05; Byul. No. 25.
6. Pat. No. 2311025. Stavnoy seine / O.V. Telyatnik, D.A. Pilipchuk (RF). - Declared on 27.03.2006; Publ. 27.11.2007; Byul. No. 33.
7. Pat. no. 110929. Stavnoy seine / O.V. Telyatnik (RF). – Declared on 27.04.2011; Publ. 10.12.11; Byul. No. 34.
8. Pat. no. 115620. Stavnoy seine / O.V. Telyatnik (RF). – Declared 10.11.2011; Publ. 10.05.12; Byul. No. 13.
9. Telyatnik O. V. Improving the design of set seines and the technology of fishing for Pacific salmon: Dis. ... candidate of technical sciences. – Vladivostok, 2010. – 175 p.
10. Telyatnik O.V. Innovative technologies of salmon fishing with fixed seines // Materials of the 4th All-Russian scientific and practical Conference: Science, Education, innovations: ways of development, Kamchatka State Technical University, Kamchatka Peninsula, April 23-25, 2013. – pp. 134-143.