Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Increasing the rigidity of universal self-centering devices is one of the topical trends in the design of machine tooling. Calculation of the load distribution between the turns and teeth of a spiral rack and pinion mechanism is a complex engineering problem. When working on the article, it was revealed that an adjacent pair of turns and teeth that are in engagement does not always coincide with a geometrical adjacent pair due to the error in the execution of turns and teeth along the pitch and profile. This is based on experimental data and the proposition that errors in the pitch and profile of the spiral determine the nature of the working pressures in the engagement of the turns and teeth. The article discusses technical solutions in which the rigidity of self-centering devices increases without significant structural changes due to the establishment of the correspondence of the algorithm for changing the elastic properties of parts of the spiral-rack mechanism to the algorithm for changing the load between the bearing elements. Constructive solutions based on the implementation of elastic displacement of the first most loaded turn are proposed, which allows to reduce the interference between the tooth of the cam rack and the turn of the disk spiral. This circumstance contributes to the redistribution of the load in the engagement of the bearing elements of the spiral-rack mechanism. The tests of the developed structures were carried out, which gave positive results.

rigidity, load distribution, spiral rack and pinion mechanism, lathes

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