Aden, Russian Federation
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Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Dental clinic “My dentist
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Summary. The composition of supragingival and subgingival dental plaque, gingival and oral fluid, dentogingival or periodontal pocket, are a valuable diagnostic medium for non-invasive diagnosis of inflammatory periodontal diseases, since they contain a wide variety of microorganisms, many of which are markers. Purpose — non-invasive assessment of markers of periodontal diseases based on the study of the microbial composition of various biotopes of the oral cavity by PCR. Мaterials and methods. Non-invasive diagnosis risk factors, in particular, the presence of periodontal pathogenic microflora, provided for the study of various biotopes of the oral cavity — plaque, oral and gingival fluids, the composition of the dental pocket by applying a high-quality PCR diagnostic method using commercial DNA-express kits (LLC NPF «Litech», Russia). Results. A comparative study of markers of the development of periodontal diseases using a qualitative version of the PCR test system in samples of subgingival plaque and dental pocket contents of individuals with initial stage I periodontitis showed 3.1 times greater prevalence of the representative of the yellow complex — Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, 1.4 times more often than the representative of the red complex P. gingivalis. In the studied material of supragingival plaque, gingival and oral fluid of individuals with gingivitis induced by dental biofilm, the representative of the yellow complex Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans prevails 2.6 times more often than representatives of the red complex — P. gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia, 1.4 times the orange complexFusobacterium nucleatum. In samples of supragingival plaque in individuals with clinically healthy gums with loss of periodontal tissue, representatives of the microflora that form orange, red and yellow complexes most often predominate. Conclusion. The study of supragingival and subgingival plaque, gingival and oral fluid, and the dentogingival pocket using a PCR test system allows timely detection of markers of the development of inflammatory diseases, regardless of clinical condition of periodontal disease.
biotopes, dental plaque, oral, gingival fluid, dentoalveolar pocket, markers, periodontal pathogens, polymerase chain reaction
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