Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The middle of the 19th century is a period of rapid development of the domestic clinic of internal diseases. To the student of S.P.Botkin, academician M.V. Yanovsky and his school, clinical medicine owes a thorough study of the problem of peripheral circulation. To the clinic of M.V. Yanovsky, domestic medicine owes such an outstanding priority as the discovery of a sound method for determining blood pressure. M.V. Yanovsky gave a purposeful character to further research by N. S. Korotkov, as well as D.O. Krylov, G.F. blood pressure. The discovery made by NS Korotkov in 1905 was "accidental" (it is true that the discovery of the very method of auscultation by Laennek did not happen without the help of chance), and the comprehension of the facts and the theoretical substantiation of the method were the merit of MV Yanovsky. It was M.V. Yanovsky who managed to explain the phenomenon of increased blood pressure in case of circulatory failure (the so-called congestive hypertension).
cardiology, internal diseases, peripheral circulation
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