Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The thematic justification is conditioned by the need to constantly improve practice-oriented training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Practical training in the territorial subdivisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is an important condition for successful professional activity of graduates. The search for ways and methods that qualitatively improve the training of highly qualified personnel makes it possible to correct mistakes in practical training timely. The article analyzes the conditions of practical training for cadets and trainees of the Specialist’s program in the territorial subdivisions of the internal affairs authorities. It is also said about the extension of research aimed at improving the organization and content of practices, which was started in 2019 at the St. PetersburgUniversity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The results of a diagnostic experiment with 5th year trainees in 2020 are presented and it is made an emphasis on the possibilities of practical training in certain regions of the Russian Federation. The article also highlights the features of the practical training of trainees in a subspecialty – the activities of the divisional police officer. The author also analyzes the results of the experiment and proposed for discussion the conclusion about the need for collaborative work of the teaching staff of the departments of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with employees of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - heads of practices (mentors), in organizing and conducting practices for cadets and trainees in the city area, in which there are conditions for trainees to gain a variety of experience in law enforcement.

professional training, practice, cadets, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, regions, divisional police officer
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