Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the research of the Leningrad city police activities in the local anti- aircraft system during the Great Patriotic War is due to the continuing falsifications of the history of special services in western and domestic publications. Despite a significant amount of researches of the police activities during the war, above-mentioned authors including, the activities of the city police in the system of the local anti- aircraft system are not thoroughly elaborated and are not presented. The aim of the authors’ study was the activity of the Leningrad city police in the local anti-aircraft system as a unit, which was a part of NKVD office in the Leningrad region and a part of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union simultaneously. The task was to determine the structure and responsibility for the anti- aircraft defense at the grassroots level and participation of the city police in this system. Besides, it was necessary to identify the main positions of the Leningrad city police, whose holders directly had to organize and monitor the work in the hotbeds of defeat through the structures of self- defense groups of households and dormitories. The results of the authors’ study revealed that the main work with the grass-roots formations of the local anti- aircraft system in the city blocks was performed by the divisional inspectors, who instructed, supervised and directed the work of self-defense groups of households and dormitories through housemanagement and commandants. Besides, the most capable policemen on duty were involved in this work, most often due to the absence of an officer at the station for any reason. In turn, the head of the territorial police department through his deputy managed the divisional inspectors and police officers. In connection with the work of divisional inspectors and policemen in neighborhoods, streets and squares, they often took a practical part in the elimination of hotbeds of defeat from artillery shelling and bombardment of enemy aircraft. In most cases they coped with this kind of activity with honor, sparing no effort and lives, starting to extinguish fire, without waiting for the arrival of the fire brigades.

Great Patriotic War, Leningrad city police, local anti-aircraft system, NKVD, blockade of Leningrad, divisional inspector
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